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Before I began practicing law over 30 years ago, I received a degree in Pharmacy and worked as a registered pharmacist.  Even then, I could see how the demands placed on pharmacists and pharmacy technicians were creating a potentially dangerous environment in which very serious mistakes could occur.   As our population ages and more and more medications hit the market, pharmacy and pharmacist negligence remains a major health risk.

Lack of Communication, Double Checking Lead to Serious Injury and Death

Prescription drug errors occur all the time.  Thankfully, many errors are caught before serious harm occurs, and it is likely that errors are significantly underreported.  Still, incorrect medications or dosages can have catastrophic effects on unknowing patients.

In one recent case, a man was prescribed high blood pressure medication by his doctor.  The pharmacy allegedly provided him with a blood thinner instead.  The patient unknowingly took the medication for weeks and became fatigued and bruised easily.  His doctor, also unaware his patient was taking a blood thinner instead of high blood pressure medication, told him to double his dose.  His symptoms worsened until he finally noticed the error.

In another case, a woman in Canada died when she received 4 mg tablets of a blood thinner instead of the prescribed 1 mg tablets.

Special Expertise for Best Results

Pharmacy and pharmacist negligence cases can be very complicated.  Depending on the type of error, special procedural requirements may have to be satisfied.  As a former pharmacist, these cases are of special interest to me and my firm.  For decades we’ve been helping victims and their families with claims against negligent pharmacies, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, and doctors.

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