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According to a recent study by professors Michael Morrisey of the University of Alabama-Birmingham and David Grabowski of Harvard Medical School, as gas prices increase there is a decrease in automobile accident deaths. A 10 percent increase in gas price resulted in a 2.3 percent decrease in deaths. Automobile accidents account for nearly 40,000 deaths per year, and it is estimated the  recent gas price increase to $4.00 per gallon could decrease automobile deaths by nearly 1,000 per month, resulting in nearly a 1/3 reduction.

This study makes sense if you think about driving habits as they relate to the price of gas. When gas is cheap, we drive more and thereby increase the likelihood of being involved in an accident.  When gas is more expensive, we drive less and are therefore less likely to be involved in an auto accident.

A real benefit of increased gas prices is the potential for healthier lifestyles and a better environment. As people drive less and less to save money on gas, there is a potential many of these people will increase walking, biking and other activities as modes of transportation. Less driving also means less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is good for the environment. While to pain of filling up your tank at the pump increases everyday, it is good to know there may be benefits associated with the rise in gas prices.

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