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A Livingston County sheriff’s deputy is recovering after an accident that caused his patrol car to flip over several times. He suffered several injuries, including a collapsed lung, broken clavicle, and collapsed rib. However, he is recovering in the intensive care unit of a Genesee County hospital.


The deputy was travelling northbound on Old U.S. 23 on Sunday afternoon with his flashers and siren on, when the driver of a Dodge Minivan attempted to turn onto Parshallville Road and hit the deputy. The patrol car was pushed off of the road and into a traffic sign by the force of the collision, where it flipped over several times and eventually landed on its roof.


Michigan State Police at the Brighton post are investigating the accident. There is no word yet whether the driver of the minivan will receive a citation or potentially face charges for failing to yield for an emergency vehicle. The minivan driver was not injured.

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