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Two Dewitt teens are being hailed as heros after they acted quickly to save two people from a flaming car. Luke Vaughn and Cody Decker arrived at the scene of a burning car crash in Daytona Beach, Florida and were anything but calm, but managed to act courageously and remove themselves and the crash victims from danger.

According to reports, Vaughn and Decker were on a spring break trip in Florida with their families this week. They were driving back to their condominium around 1 a.m. Tuesday when they spotted a Jaguar X-type vehicle that sped past them and crashed into two trees. The crash nearly ripped the car in half, and the two people inside were moaning in pain. The teens rushed to the scene and freed the victims, 42 year old Carlos Adams, and 44 year old Tracy Lopez. Both car accident victims' are listed in critical condition and Vaughn and Decker were treated for minor injuries to their hands.

The teens were honored at a public ceremony in Palm Coast, Florida. Vaughn and Decker say that the accident gave them a spring break to remember.

They are due back in Michigan on Saturday, but are healing well and enjoying the rest of their vacation by surfing.

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