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NFL to Defend Record on Safety, Highlight Improvements
Grewal Law, PLLC
(855) 610-0503

Professional football has struggled for decades with a perception that player safety has taken a backseat to profits.  The hit 2013 movie and book League of Denial helped elevate and personalize those concerns among the general public, and the NFL has responded by trying to emphasize player safety measures.

The league has added extensive technology to helmets, pads, cameras, turf, and other equipment to help quantify the forces at work on the playing field.  Using those advanced statistics, the NFL and its broadcast partners have displayed dazzling graphics to show fans the nearly superhuman physical prowess of players in action – and to help highlight increased attention to safety.  NFL Network will be airing a special program dedicated to these new technologies.

In spite of the NFL’s efforts, injuries continue to be common and many of them are serious.  And injuries aren’t just a problem for professional football – colleges, high schools, and all levels of play need to address player safety.

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