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Sometimes I come across stories on the Internet whose storylines rival those of the best fiction books. One such story I recently read involved two siblings and someone waiting for a new heart. With all of the terrible news out there, it's nice to read a heartwarming story instead (no pun intended) once in a while.

The story begins in Sioux Falls, S.D. in 2005 and is rather tragic. Kellen Roberts, who was on a trip to Sioux Falls and 22 at the time, fell and hit his head on March 7, 2005. He later died from his injuries, but nearby 17-year-old Connor Rabinowitz was patiently waiting for a heart to save his life. Kellen was an organ donor and he did, indeed, provide Connor with the heart he needed to save his life. Connor was born with a rare genetic disorder that causes his organs to enlarge and weaken, and doctors told him he would die without a new heart.

Eternally grateful for his second chance at life, Connor set out to find out more about the man who provided him with his new heart. After searching, Connor met Kellen's sister, Erin. Magically, as the two got to know one another over the course of four years, the two fell in love. For Erin, the moment was astonishing and proved the ability of someone to live on after they have left this earth. She recently shared with a local TV station:

To know that a part of something you loved so much can continue on, but not just continue on in existence, but be the life force for someone else.

The two say that wedding bells may not be too far ahead in the future.

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