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Michigan Democratic gubernatorial candidate Virg Bernero recently received the endorsement of two pivotal groups that could help him secure the election in November. Planned Parent Advocates of Michigan and the Michigan National Organization for Women announced yesterday that they would back Bernero in the governor’s race since he is the only pro-choice candidate on the ballot. Virg’s wife, Teri, also announced the formation of “Women for Virg”—a group of more than 250 influential women from across Michigan who’ve also endorsed Virg’s candidacy.

In her announcement at a press conference yesterday, the executive director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, Sarah Scranton, stated:

"Mayor Virg Bernero has been a leader on issues that matter to women, mothers, families and our communities. He is the only candidate in this election who supports a woman’s right to choose. For this and his commitment to women’s health, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan is proud to endorse Virg Bernero to be the next governor of Michigan.”

In addition to vehemently defending a women’s right to choose, Virg has consistently worked to end unfair gender bias in the workplace and inequities in pay for women. In fact, in endorsing Virg’s campaign, former State Representative Mary Brown recently stated:

“Virg is the champion women need at the State Capitol. He’s been an ally and a leader in the face of continued attacks by anti-choice elements who have ruled the day in the legislature. As Governor, Virg will preserve a woman’s right to choose in Michigan.”

If you support women’s rights in Michigan, you can add your name to the list of women in the “Women for Virg” group by emailing

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