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Sometimes there are events that occur in life that are unexplainable by science or any other type of logic. One such event occured when 22-year-old Lauren Kornacki saved her father's life by lifting a car off of him when it collapsed during repairs. Kornacki's super human strength and quick thinking are beyond amazing and proves that the power of love is sometimes stronger than the laws of physics.

Kornacki, a recent college graduate, was home in Virginia with her family when she realized that her father was unconscious underneath his BMW. While fixing the car, the jack had slipped, pinning him underneath. Lauren, an educated lifeguard who knows CPR, moved quickly to save her dad and decided to throw her entire body into the car to push it off of him. She was succesful, and immediately started CPR on him, although it took two sets of mouth-to-mouth to resuscitate him just before the paramedics arrived.

Lauren's father apparently has several broken ribs and many other fractures, but is walking around. He said that he is grateful for his daughter, who was able to save his life thanks to her knowledge of CPR and her super human strength.

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