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Jennifer McKendrick–Google it. In just days this photographer has shot from Pennsylvania-area fame to nationwide sensation because of her willingness to stand up for what is right. Amidst growing concerns over cyberbullying, "Jen McKen" as she playfully calls herself on her blog, has stood up for high school bullying victims. I was intrigued by her story and had to share it with my readers.

Jenn McKen was scheduled to photograph several high school seniors when she accidentally came across a "Mean Girls"-esque Facebook page. The senior girls that she was prepared to photograph had authored a page dedicated to slamming other high schoolers, similar to the "burn book" in Mean Girls. Horrified at the girls’ behavior, Jenn emailed both the girls and their parents, informing them that she was cancelling their photography sessions, stating that "if you are ugly on the inside, I’m sorry but I won’t take your photos to make you look pretty on the outside!"

Jenn has received thousands of comments on her blog and Facebook page supporting her actions. Even the girls’ parents apparently agreed with her decision, stating that they would do something about their daughters’ actions. In a time when bullying has become so severe that it has led to suicide and severe depression, it is important that others take a bold move against these types of behaviors.

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