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Mother feeds baby boy with a spoon porridge
Grewal Law, PLLC
(855) 610-0503

Following the February 4, 2021 Report from the U.S. House of Representative’s Staff Committee, it’s been widely reported that virtually all of the baby foods tested contain dangerously high levels of at least four toxic metals (see Mick Grewal’s previous blog on the topic for a general background). What’s been less focused on in the media is the wide-range of baby products these dangerous toxicity levels are found within.

Baby foods, purees, cereal, teething snacks, juices and formula were all tested and found to contain lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury. These toxins can lower IQ levels and are especially harmful to infants’ and babies’ developing brains.

The study by the nonprofit, Healthy Babies Bright Futures, that prompted the February 2021 Congressional report, found that rice-based foods account for 20% of the more than 11 million IQ points that children lose from birth to 24 months due to their diets.

Every single rice-based baby cereal that was tested contained heavy metal concentrations that exceeded industry standards. Thus, you may want to consider choosing non-rice-based cereals (and teething snacks) for your little one.

The two most prominent metals found in baby formula were lead and cadmium. Every single baby formula which was test contained detectible levels of heavy metals, however, there were at least six different brands with lower levels. Five of those six brands are also organic. More information on organic baby formulas can be found here.


Our medical malpractice team – with award-winning leader Scott Weidenfeller –  has been helping children for decades and has had multiple recent settlements for baby and child cases that exceed $7 million dollars.  In addition, Grewal Law represented (and still represents) one-third of the survivors of Larry Nassar’s abuse, and the team was instrumental in negotiating the half a billion-dollar settlement paid to the survivors by MSU.

The medical malpractice team at Grewal Law is comprised of attorneys and healthcare professionals, including an on-site registered nurse, pharmacist, paramedic, occupational therapist and respiratory therapist.  We also work with the best medical experts from around the country, as well as a physician who has an office out our Okemos location.

We are available 24/7 to speak with you and we are happy to order your medical records and do a review for you at no charge.

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