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Grewal Law, PLLC
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LSU students accused of abuse and rape were not investigated, allowing their abuse to continue.

LSU officials, including campus police, coaches, athletics administrators and nursing staff, were aware of numerous sexual assault allegations against LSU athletes, and didn’t report the allegations to the Title IX office for investigation, which is required by federal law.  In fact, according  to a USA Today article and others, it appears as though LSU officials repeatedly failed to take any steps to protect students from sexual assault.

LSU officials were aware of at least 3 instances of alleged sexual misconduct by running back Derrius Guice.  One involved taking a nude picture of a fellow student without her consent and sharing the photograph with others.  The other allegations are of rape.  Had university officials informed the Title IX office, perhaps some of the sexual assault could have been prevented.

LSU wide receiver Drake Davis allegedly abused a fellow student athlete he had been dating.  The abuse reportedly occurred multiple times, and it allegedly involved the student being strangled on at least one occasion.  Seven or more LSU officials, including tennis coaches, knew of the alleged abuse, but none contacted the Title IX coordinator.  Davis was eventually expelled by LSU, but this expulsion occurred well over a year after the abuse stopped, and it occurred after Davis has already left the campus.

Seven other football players who were coached by Ed Orgeron were accused of rape or some type of sexual misconduct.  Only two have been punished  – Davis and Peter Parrish, a quarterback who allegedly raped a woman in a car this year.

According to the USA Today investigation, officials in LSU’s athletic and medical departments and administration have a history of ignoring complaints of abuse and of denying protections to students, which has reportedly resulted in further harm by abusers.

Elizabeth Taylor, a professor who studies sexual assault and harassment within athletics organizations, told USA Today reporters that LSU exhibits the same “pattern of continually mishandling these types of incidents” that was seen at Baylor, Penn State and Michigan State.

Sadly, sexual violence on college campuses is pervasive.  26.4% of female undergraduate students –  and 6.8% of male undergraduates – experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation.

Football catching a ball in a stadium with cloudy sky behind himMany are of the opinion that the NCAA looks the other way when it comes to sexual assault.  University athletes can lose their eligibility for many things – except sexual assault.  An investigation by USA TODAY reporters found at least 28 athletes since 2014 (some still active) who transferred to NCAA schools despite being administratively disciplined at other colleges / universities for sexual assault.  It found others who continued to play NCAA sports despite being found guilty of sexual offenses – or despite being disciplined by the court system for these offenses.

Grewal Law has a record of success holding corporations accountable for abuse.

It is possible to file a civil lawsuit against any person, business or corporation that allows sexual abuse to occur on college and university campuses.  The nationally recognized sexual assault attorneys at Grewal Law have been fighting for the rights of victims for decades, and they have made it their mission to hold sexual abusers accountable – and to stop institutional involvement in sexual abuse.

Grewal Law represented a third of the plaintiffs in the MSU and Larry Nassar lawsuits, and the Grewal team was instrumental in obtaining the half a billion-dollar settlement from MSU. Currently, the award-winning lawyers at Grewal Law are fighting to hold USAG and USOC accountable for their roles in allowing Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse to occur.  In addition, Grewal Law attorneys are working to help hold University of Michigan accountable for allowing Dr. Robert Anderson to sexually abuse over 800 student-athletes, students, and other young  people for decades.   The attorneys at Grewal Law understand what it takes to prevail against sexual predators and the companies that allow their sexual misconduct to occur.

Please contact our firm’s award-winning attorneys at (888) 211-5798 for a free consultation. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you.


One Comment

  1. Gravatar for John MARKHAM
    John MARKHAM

    I am aware of a specific situation!

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