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If it hadn't been for a horribly delayed C-section, Enso Martinez and his wife Rebecca Fielding would've witnessed their son toddling across the floor and hitting other milestones for a healthy 2-year-old. Instead, they struggle to help their permanently and severely physically and mentally damaged child to survive.

Their story began in March 2010 when Rebecca waited for two hours for an emergency C-section after being transported to Johns Hopkins Hospital. Rebecca and Enso had previously planned to have an at-home birth with the help of their midwife, but when Rebecca started developing complications they called 911 immediately. Unfortunately, the hospital's delay in getting back blood test results ended in their baby's cerebral palsy as he was deprived of oxygen. Even after having the C-section, Rebecca and Enso were not told of the extent of their baby's injuries until he began having seizures that left Rebecca suspicious. Months later, they learned the terrible and devastating impact of the delay of the surgery on their son.

Rebecca and Enso brought a medical malpractice lawsuit against Johns Hopkins Hospital for their failure to perform the emergency C-section earlier. Their baby, Enzo, suffers from both cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder and requires round-the-clock care. Rebecca and Enso recently won a major medical malpractice jury verdict of $55 million in their state of Maryland, although caps will reduce that amount to $30 million. The family plans to use the compensation to buy a home with wheelchair access, specialized treatments for their son that would not be covered by insurance, and care for him at home. Johns Hopkins plans to appeal the decision and expressed dismay and disbelief that the jury awarded the family the damages.

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