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Cleveland, Ohio—Jacob Feitchner and Terrance Hough, Jr. got into a heated fight on the Fourth of July in 2007 over fireworks. But no one expected what happened next: Hough shot and killed then 24-year-old Feitchner and two of his friends, Katherine Roby, 26 and Bruce Anderson, 30. As a result, Feitchner’s family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Hough and won $3 million this month.

Feitchner’s family, including his father, sister and brother, were awarded the settlement. However, it is unlikely the will ever receive any money since Hough, 38, has no income. Prior to the settlement, he was convicted of three counts of aggravated murder and is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. During the lawsuit, Hough represented himself and filed motions for the lawsuit to be thrown out and argued that the victims were at “contributory fault” for their own deaths.

While Feitchner’s family will never receive their monetary reward, their attorney recently spoke on their behalf stating that it was never about the cash. Instead, the family is satisfied to simply remind Hough that what he did was wrong. Thankfully, the Feitchner’s were able to collect more than $31,000 from the Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Fund to help with Jacob’s estate and other related costs.

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