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By now you’ve probably heard the horrendous story about ESPN newscaster Erin Andrews and the peeping tom who stalked her, watched her, and filmed her undressing through a peep hole at a Marriott and a Radisson Hotel. Now, Andrews is filing suit against Marriott International, Radisson Hotel s International, and others involved in the case.

Andrews named eight defendants in her lawsuit, most of which were hotels, except for her stalker. That man, Michael David Barrett, a former insurance salesman from Illinois, pled guilty to stalking Andrews last year and is serving a two-year prison sentence. Barrett taped Andrews undressing and posted the videos on the Internet, which quickly went viral. Her suit specifically claims negligence, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and invasion of privacy against the hotel entities.

Andrews’ lawsuit seeks to hold the lodges accountable for management decisions to give out her room number while she was staying in various hotels and also to allow Barrett to register in connecting hotels rooms at his request without her knowledge.

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