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During the holiday seasons, many people enjoy watching the classic holiday movie A Christmas Story. While we all encourage people young and old alike to enjoy that tale of merriment, it’s probably a better idea to not test out some of Ralphie’s antics – especially licking a pole when it’s subfreezing.

A ten year old boy from Boise, Idaho became this year’s unfortunate victim of "does that really happen?" when his tongue became stuck to a metal pole. A call to 911 brought out firefighters who used warm water to release his tongue from the pole.

That saying, "don’t try this at home" definitely applies to this stunt. Unfortunately, young children can be prone to mimmicking what they see on TV. But, if for whatever reason this does happen to you, your child, or someone you come across, remember it’s not necessary to call 911. Warm water will do the trick, but you can expect some pain or numbness in your tongue for a while.

Let’s enjoy the movie but keep our tongues to ourselves!

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