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In a heroic, yet tragic twist of fate, a dog found swimming in the Gulf of Mexico was apparently fleeing the scene of a hit-and-run accident that killed its master. The dog, Barney, was found by a kayaker named Rory O'Connor when it swam up to him. The dog was so traumatized by the incident that it started to run and then jumped into the water when it ran out of land.

According to police, Barney's owner was 53-year-old Donna L. Chen who was walking the dog when she was struck and killed by a vehicle. The driver, 22-year-old Blake Talman, was apparently driving under the influence and had already fled the scene of another accident. Not only did he hit Chen, but also Barney, a street sign, several wooden poles, the entrance of a church, and finally a telephone pole, where he finally came to a stop.

After he was struck by Talman's car Barney jumped into the water. Thankfully, he was beaten up by the accident but is okay. O'Connor posted a video online of the dog and their chance encounter. Talman is facing charges of manslaughter is being held on $100,000 bond.

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