A youth pastor at the popular Second Ebenezer church in Detroit has been sentenced to between 7 and 15 years in prison for sexually abusing a teenager. James Wright-Johnson was convicted by a jury in March on 12 charges, 7 of which were third-degree criminal sexual conduct with a person age 13-15.
Abuse of trust and authority is a common element of sexual assault and abuse.
Grewal Law is honored to represent survivors and hold perpetrators and their enablers accountable. Our firm represented a third of the first wave of Plaintiffs in the MSU and Larry Nassar lawsuits, and our attorneys were instrumental in obtaining the half a billion-dollar settlement from MSU.
The attorneys at Grewal Law advocate for transparency, accountability, and justice for survivors, and are available 24/7 to answer your questions, give you resources, and / or help you with a potential case.
Growing up in East Grand Rapids, Michigan, Nolan Erickson began working at Church Wyble PC in 2007 as a law clerk. Now as an attorney with Grewal Law, Mr. Erickson has developed extensive experience with all phases of trial and pre-trial resolution of personal injury matters, including major auto accident, medical malpractice, and other serious injury cases.
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