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The Consumer Product Safety Commission is recalling thousands of baby recliners that purport to help fussy babies get to sleep faster after receiving reports that a 4-month-old Michigan baby died while seated in one of the recliners. Specifically, the CPSC announced the recall of 30,000 Nap Nanny recliners, made by Baby Matters LLC of Berwyn, PA, earlier today.

The CPSC is also investigating the death of the 4-month-old Royal Oak, MI baby girl who died in a Nap Nanny that was placed inside of her crib. The child was reportedly found hanging over the edge of the foam recliner, trapped between the Nap Nanny and the crib’s bumper. Overall, the agency is aware of 22 other incidents where infants, mostly under five months, fell over the side of the Nap Nanny even though they were strapped into the recliner with the provided buckles. However, the CPSC also warns that the recliners should not be used inside of a crib and should instead be placed on the floor away from other products.

The Nap Nanny is meant to mimic the curves of a car seat, which can help elevate babies to reduce reflux, gas, stuffiness and other problems. The recliners were sold at toy stores nationwide and online from January 2009 to this month. Consumers should contact the company to receive new product instructions, warnings in certain cases, and a coupon towards the purchase of a new Nap Nanny. The CPSC warns consumers to discontinue use of the Nap Nanny until after using the remedies to resolve the problem.

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