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Some consumers are crying foul after accidentally putting Clearcare contact solution into their eyes and getting burned as a result. Clearcare solution is 3% hydrogen peroxide and should not be placed directly into the eyes or onto contacts immediately before placing them into the eyes. It takes about six hours for the solution to neutralize in the special case that comes with purchase. However, consumers that have experienced the severe burning and red eyes from placing the solution directly into their eyes say that the product lacks an adequate and clear warning on the package.

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices, a consumer advocacy group, agrees with the affected consumers and has been trying to get Ciba Vision, the maker of Clearcare solution, to put a better warning on the product for two years. Minor label changes were made last year, but consumers continue to place the solution directly into their eyes leading to chemical burns, corneal lacerations, and other severe problems. Dozens of formal complaints have been lodged with government health officials, while many other anecdotal reports exist on the Internet and elsewhere.

Nevertheless, officials with Ciba Vision say that the most recent changes to the labeling in 2011 are adequate and the Food and Drug Administration seems to agree. FDA spokeswoman, Sarah Clark-Lynn, recently stated: "We believed that these changes were adequate to communicate the warnings to the end users."

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