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Tabitha Stanton, a 17-year-old Potterville High Senior, was involved in a fatal car accident this past weekend. Ms. Stanton was one of three people in the car that was sideswiped on I-96 in Eaton County when a pick-up truck lost control and hit her vehicle. The collision caused Ms. Stanton’s vehicle to overturn and eject all three people in the car. She was transported to Sparrow hosiptal where she was pronounced dead about an hour after arrival. According to reports, she was riding back with fellow volleyball team members from a tournament that day.

It was announced September 22 that funeral services would be held for Tabitha on September 24 in the Potterville High School gymnasium beginning at 1pm. Additionally, a witness at the scene has come forward, Bill Zerba, who described how the accident happened. He also comforted Tabitha at the scene of the crash while waiting for emergency personnel to arrive.

The second accident invloved Maria Rosa Hernandez when she pulled out of a side street in Windsor Township. According to police, it is believed Ms. Hernandez did not see the a truck coming down the street when she pulled out and the truck struck her car on the driver’s side. There is some question of whether fog played a role in the crash, although it is not clear at this time if it did.


  1. Gravatar for .....

    Not all three were ejected from the car. And there were four in the car.

  2. Gravatar for Devon Glass
    Devon Glass

    Thank you for clearing that up, I must have misread the article. When I was reading this morning it said three occupants were ejected from the car, I missed the part where it said there were four people in the car.

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