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Blackman Township, MI–Joyce Norris sadly recalls how her child’s life was drastically changed after a horrific pitbull attack. Joyce’s daughter, Tyah Norris, is in critical condition at a hospital in Blackman Township after suffering a loss of part of her skull, damaged tear ducts and eye muscles. Doctors reportedly used an artificial material to repair the lost part of Tyah’s skull and also performed surgery to repair her tear ducts and eye muscles.

6-year-old Tyah was playing with a friend last Tuesday in a fenced-in yard at around 3:45 p.m. when a group of pitbulls approached the two girls. One dog knocked Tyah down to the ground and the other dogs joined in mauling her, leaving her with severe head and face injuries. According to Joyce, her daughter has "stitches all over her face", 500 total, and is in a tremendous amount of pain. The family spent most of Wednesday at the hospital with Tyah but doctors expect it to take months, or even years, for her to fully recover. Tyah would’ve started first grade this year. An account has been set up to help Tyah and her family, and donations can be made at any Citizens Bank location under the name "Tyah Norris Benefit Fund".

Consequently, the owner of two of the dogs gave the sheriff permission to euthanize the dogs. However, the third dog belongs to someone else, who did not give authorities permission to euthanize the dog. Instead, the dog was quaratined and will remain confined for at least ten days. Following rabies testing and the ten day quarantine period, a court will decide what will happen to the dog.

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