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Tampa, Florida—a four-year-old girl became ill after ingesting a bag of Skittles candy that also contained narcotics. The bag appeared to be sealed, according to her family, prior to her eating the candy. However, she ended up staying overnight in the hospital after she became ill and returned home on Monday.

According to deputies, Bailey Barzano was visiting her grandparents at their Homosassa home and went with them to the airport to pick up her cousin. While waiting outside of the baggage claim area, Bailey said she needed to use the restroom. Her grandmother, Holly Ball, took her to the restroom and Bailey entered a stall by herself. After they both returned to the car, Bailey handed her grandfather a blue bag of Skittles to open. He did so, without looking closely at the bag’s contents. After Bailey had consumed some of the candy, she gave the bag to her uncle, a pharmacy technician, who noticed that there were pills amongst the skittles. Her family then drove the little girl to the University Community Hospital in Carrollwood, Florida after she complained of a stomachache and also acted extremely lethargic.

Investigators suspect the pills may be Oxycontin and Oxycodone. The pills will be analyzed at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Blue Tropical flavored Skittles are not sold at the Tampa International Airport, but investigators pulled all flavors of the candy from airport shelves as a precautionary measure. However, none of the bags that were pulled had signs of tampering or foreign substances. The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., the maker of Skittles, says it is “cooperating fully with [the investigation].”

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