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Five Tools to Keep You Safe on the Roads

Staying safe on the roads is key, especially when dipping temperatures are right around the corner.  But did you know that there are five simple tools that you can keep in your car to help you in case of an emergency?  Okay, maybe they aren’t that “simple”, but they are handy and are worth the investment that it costs to purchase some on the list.

  1. LifeHammerthis tool, made in the Netherlands, can save your life in an accident.  It is able to cut through seat belts and break through car windows, and also comes with a luminescent pin that will help you to see in the dark.
  2. Kobalt Multi-Drive Wrench: this wrench is able to work with dozens of different sized nuts and bolts.  It is also very light weight and only 10 inches long.
  3. Smittybilt Recovery Strap: you won’t have to look far if you need a towing strap with the Smittybilt.  At 30 feet long and with pulling ability of 30,000 pounds, you could use it to drag just about anything around.
  4. Schumacher Speed Charge: nothing is worse than a dead car battery.  But look no farther than the Schumacher, since it is two times faster than your average portable battery charger.
  5. Leatherman Wave Multi-Tool: includes two different kinds of pliers, wire cutters, knives, a saw, scissors, files and a multi-bit screwdriver–need I say more?

It’s best to play it safe when it comes to road safety and it’s nice to have handy tools like these can really help out in pinch.


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