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Happy family celebrating Halloween. Mother and children wearing face masks protecting from COVID-19.
Grewal Law, PLLC
(855) 610-0503

This year, Halloween is going to look a little different.  Normally a holiday that sees parades of children roaming neighborhoods and knocking on doors, not to mention large house parties, October 31,2020, will be much lower key.  In fact, many activities and gatherings are likely to violate various stay-at-home orders and guidance from health professionals.

Still, many people are looking forward to some form of celebrating a spooky Saturday night.  If it is safe and legal to get out and about, here are some key tips to remember:

  • Food safety: don’t accept anything that isn’t commercially wrapped and inspect treats carefully before eating.
  • Plan your route: Travel in groups and practice good pedestrian safety behavior. If you are out driving on Halloween, pay extra close attention to pedestrians.
  • Costumes should be easy to see, and easy to see out of. Wear comfortable costumes that are not too long and do not hinder visibility.

The CDC has provided some additional guidance for safely celebrating Halloween in 2020.  If at all possible, strongly consider lower risk activities suggested by the agency, including a scavenger hunt with your household members, a virtual costume contest, or socially distanced pumpkin carving.

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