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Potential Healthcare Fraud: The FBI recently raided Allure Medical Spa after learning it was giving negligent varicose vein treatments and  phony Covid-19 treatments  – and failing to follow protocols to prevent the spread of Covid 19.

Dr. Charles Mok of Allure Medical Spa has been accused of offering high dose Vitamin C infusions to patients who had tested positively for Covid-19 and to patients at risk of contracting the virus.  When Governor Whitmore ordered all essential businesses to shut down, and hospitals and medical centers (including Dr. Mok’s competitors) stopped performing elective surgeries and procedures, Dr. Mok allegedly took the opportunity to capitalize on this, releasing  videos promoting his treatments and creating web pages and videos on his site that emphasize how his facility is remaining open and treating patients during the pandemic.  These web pages are still active.

Indeed, when other businesses were shut down, Allure Medical Spa remained open, with numerous patients packed in, and staff giving treatments without proper PPE, according to court filings.

Court records show that Dr. Mok tried to use the pandemic as an opportunity to steal his competitors’ patients, calling physicians “cowards” for shutting down their clinics. Court filings also reveal that Dr. Mok kept Allure Medical Spa running during the pandemic – and he kept his employees working, including employees who had tested positively for Covid-19.  According to reports, during the pandemic, patients were sitting close together in the waiting room and Allure Medical Spa employees, including those infected with Covid 19, were working without proper PPE.

“At a time like this, our nation cannot handle the burden on our hospital systems, ER doctors and nurses when they are already at capacity and overloaded,” an employee of Allure medical spa stated in a video created by Dr. Mok and his employees.

An investigation into Dr. Mok’s practices began earlier this month, when the FBI and agents with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services began looking into allegations involving fraud related to varicose vein treatments at Allure Medical Spa.  A witness at the spa secretly recorded some of Dr. Mok’s conversations and handed over numerous documents, according to court filings.

In addition to giving investigators information related to improper varicose vein treatments, the witness informed agents that Allure was offering high dose vitamin C infusions to patients at risk of contracting Covid-19 AND even to those who had already tested positively for the virus.

In YouTube videos and on his website, Dr. Mok aggressively marketed the infusions, claiming that they were being utilized at hospitals throughout the country to treat the most advanced Covid-19 related illnesses.  In addition, Dr. Mok claimed that the Vitamin C infusions decreased the severity and duration of symptoms from Covid 19, according to court documents.

The witness gave investigators internal documents that showed that Allure Medical Spa had submitted at least 98 claims to insurance companies for infusion therapy services.

Dr. Mok is the founder and owner of Allure Medical Spa, or “Allure Medical,” which started out as a single practice in Shelby Charter Township, Michigan, at 8180 26 Mile Road.  Allure Medical now has locations throughout Michigan and other states such as Minnesota, Florida, South Carolina and Wisconsin; there are twenty-six outpatient clinics specializing in varicose vein treatments in eight different states with at least six clinics within Michigan.

Names of Dr. Mok’s businesses, which all have Michigan business addresses, include:

  • Allure Medical of Florida, PLLC
  • Allure Medical of Minnesota, PLC
  • Allure Medical of South Carolina, PLLC
  • Allure Medical of the Carolinas, P.C.
  • Allure Medical of Wisconsin, PLLC
  • Allure Medical, PLLC
  • Allure Medical Spa, P.L.L.C.

Allure Medical / Allure Medica Spa also does business as “Allure Medical Vein Center.”  In Michigan, Allure Medical Spa has locations in Livonia, Warren, Village of Clarkston, Southgate, and, as mentioned, Shelby Charter Township.

According to its website, Allure Medical Spa currently offers the following services:

  • Varicose Vein Treatment – “treatment is covered by most insurances”
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Dermatology
  • Stem Cell Therapy
  • Cosmetic – “surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services for your face, body and skin”
  • Weight Loss

About the Authors

If you were injured as a result of any treatment at Allure Medical Spa, including Vitamin C infusions for treatment or prevention of Covid 19 related illnesses, the award winning attorneys at Grewal Law may be able to help.  The medical malpractice team at Grewal Law is comprised of attorneys and healthcare professionals, including an on-site physician, registered nurse, pharmacist, paramedic, and respiratory therapist.  Grewal Law has obtained millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for its clients.   Call now: Our team is available to speak with you 24/7.


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