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Thanksgiving celebration traditional dinner setting
Grewal Law, PLLC
(855) 610-0503

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays.  This year, the occasion takes on special significance after last year’s toned-down, pandemic-constrained version.  If you choose to gather in celebration this year, remember these few important safety tips to enjoy a happy, healthy Thanksgiving:

  • When cooking food, avoid distractions or leaving the kitchen unattended. Dangerous situations can develop in a matter of a few moments.
  • Keep flammable objects and children away from cooking areas, such as the stovetop.
  • If a cooking pan catches fire, DO NOT use water to try to extinguish the flames. Keep the pan lid nearby and use it to smother the fire.
  • Have a home safety plan to address common emergencies – and practice it!

From everyone at Grewal Law – have a happy Thanksgiving!

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