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A bottle of Zantac 150 with some blue pills beside it, on a white background

Founding & Managing Partner
Grewal Law, PLLC
(855) 610-0503

Earlier this year, Grewal Law attorney Leon Walsh wrote about the cancer risk associated with popular heartburn drug Zantac.  In the Summer and Fall of 2019, the FDA investigated the medication after it was found to contain high concentrations of NDMA, a chemical that is known to potentially cause cancer.  Over time, the ingredients in Zantac (generic: ranitidine) appeared to break down and form NDMA, particularly in high temperatures or in long-term storage.  In September 2019, the FDA issued an alert warning the public about the connection, and in April 2020 the FDA demanded removal of the medication after determining that NDMA levels can reach dangerous levels under even normal storage conditions.

Zantac was introduced in the 1980s and, along with its generic version, has been one of the most popular heartburn medications for over 30 years.  In 2004, the FDA approved certain versions of Zantac for over-the-counter distribution in the US.  Tens of millions of people take the medication on a regular basis.

In an effort to promote patient safety, hold drug makers accountable, and compensate injured victims, several lawsuits have been filed against the makers and distributors of Zantac.  Earlier this year, those lawsuits were consolidated into a multi-district litigation in the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

The mass tort division of Grewal Law is investigating these claims involving Zantac and its generic versions.  Call, chat, or email us today for a 100% free and confidential consultation.


  1. Gravatar for Dragonmaster

    I'm involved with the Zantac lawsuit and live in Michigan. My understanding is that, it's very difficult to win a drug manufacturing lawsuit in Michigan because of a law passed that protects the drug companies. I did hire a law firm in New Jersey to represent me but they told me Michigan was the most difficult state to win the type of lawsuit, although they are moving ahead with the process. Any thoughtful comments concerning this would be helpful.

    1. Nolan Erickson

      It's true, these cases can be tough to pursue for people injured in Michigan. We're investigating these cases and hoping to help people here and across the country get justice.

  2. Gravatar for Holly

    I'm in Michigan and I've taken prescription zantact for 20 yrs for the last 2 1/2 I was battling a bladder/kidney cancer. I ended up having my entire kidney removed because of it still spreading. Would I be able to mke a claim?

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